Not everyone has the courage to endure a lot of grueling workouts to build muscle. It also happens that, despite all the efforts, the exercises do not bring the desired result. Often, when the strength is gone, but you still want to be in good shape, many athletes start taking danabol.

For the first time danabol, or, as it is often called, "Methane", appeared on the market back in 1958 in the United States of America. For a long time of its existence, the drug has managed to gain immense popularity all over the world, not least due to its low price and effectiveness. Its active ingredient is methandrostenolone. Each tablet contains 10 mg. Danabol is produced by the Moldovan company Balkan Pharmaceuticals, where it is quite legal and sold in pharmacies. It is especially popular with bodybuilders, weightlifters and powerlifters.

Admission rules

There are two types of the drug - for oral administration and for injection. The second option is practically uncommon among athletes and is extremely rare.

For those who are just starting their way in sports, it is recommended to take no more than 10 mg (1 tablet) per day and monitor the body's response to steroids. If all is well and you have no contraindications, you can increase the dose to 20-30 mg per day for 7-8 weeks. It is worth noting that the daily rate should not exceed 50 mg (5 tablets).

The half-life of danabol is 3-5 hours. At such intervals, there should be a reception time. This will help keep your hormones at the same level. It is better to take the drug after meals, so the liver will more easily tolerate its toxicity.

The effectiveness of using Danabol.

"Methane" has established itself as an extremely effective tool. With its help, muscle fibers begin to grow faster, which leads to a gain in mass, as well as an increase in endurance and strength. This is due to the accelerated synthesis of protein and glycogenesis in the body.

The rest of the benefits of the drug include:

- Increased appetite, which will allow you to gain muscle faster

- Accelerated protein synthesis, resulting in more intense protein production

- Increased strength and endurance

- Bone tissue receives more important trace elements and calcium

- With the right danabol intake, in just a couple of weeks, you can gain about 7-10 kg of muscle mass. Thanks to him, some athletes were able to overcome the plateau in basic exercises and move to a completely different level. The drug is very common in weightlifting and powerlifting.

Side effects

Despite all its benefits and effectiveness, the drug also has side effects. The most common are:

- The appearance of subcutaneous fat.

- Hypertension.

- High toxicity.

- Increased sexual desire during admission and decreased after the end of the course.

- Increased levels of estrogen in the blood, which can lead to serious consequences.

- Gynecomastia. Aromatase inhibitors should be taken to avoid this disease.

Another side effect that is found in almost every drug like this is the accumulation of water in the body. Fluid builds up in muscle fibers, making them larger. However, after the end of the course, excess water goes away, and you lose about 10-15% of your weight. Athletes refer to this process as "mass rollback." Aromatase inhibitors can be used to minimize wastage.

The correct intake of Danabol will allow you to increase your muscle mass by several kilograms in 2-3 weeks. Reviews of the drug are often extremely positive. Many athletes praise it for its availability and excellent efficiency, which will help to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.

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